Tuesday, 28 July 2015

L'enfer, c'est les autres ....

Jean-Paul Sartre's famous remark that "Hell is other people" has some resonance here this week.

After the main changeover on Saturday evening we noticed that the average age of guests had gone down a little.  If anything, the dress sense has also taken something of a nosedive too.  What's interesting is that men are requested (code for 'required') to wear long trousers at evening meal time (which I'm fine with) while the women can (and do) wear hot pants (which I'm also fine with!)

Then there's the old chestnut about smoking.  Smoking is not allowed inside the hotel.  We like to eat al fresco on an evening and we seem to have this habit of choosing a table near to smokers when the wind is always apparently blowing towards us. Or is it that we choose the table or rather that there are a lot of smokers and they all have to sit outside?!

Last week we had a very quiet couple next door to us on one side and we think that the other side was unoccupied.  This week we have a middle aged couple on one side with at least one smoker and it drifts towards us while the (Scandinavians?) on the other side like to have their music playing out loud on their patio.  Will have to lend them some headphones!

We are one of 7 rooms sharing the pool we 'swim up' in and the couple (30-something newly weds?) at the end do regular runs up and down the pool on an air bed in some almost X-rated interlocked pose.  It can all be very off-putting when one is trying to do the blog!

Time for some sparking, I think!

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