Tuesday, 28 July 2015

By Popular Demand!

I know you've been eagerly awaiting with bated breath this post about the Divo tribute act we had on Sunday evening.

As you know, the cat left early in their performance and we soon dubbed the act 'Il Dire-O'.  We've since met two other guests here who called them 'The Three Euros'.  They were all from the old Eastern Bloc Europe and none had English as a first language and the accents were strong.

That was the first problem - there were only three in this tribute act to the four members of 'Il Divo'.  Then there was the other problem - they couldn't sing.  The older man was a good singer who clearly had some pedigree behind him, but he was out of tune!

They spent ages fiddling with their equipment before they started. Then they appeared in some sort of dinner suit each, but they looked like men in dinner suits look after a heavy night out on the town rather than at the beginning of such an evening.

Do you like the purple pegs on each end of the lectern? It wasn't that windy!

They needed a lectern (to remember their act? or was it a singing manual?), but set it so high up that you couldn't see one or more of their faces as they are high up on the stage and we sit at ground level. And they were still fiddling with their equipment as their act was in progress until Anna, the Entertainment Manager, told them she would sort it and asked them to lower the lectern!

Early on people started leaving quietly, clearly thinking they had more important things to do like sleeping!

Monday evening was low key.  It seems that the Forster Acoustic duo had the night off and Anna ran a pub games evening which we didn't get involved in.  Tonight promises better.  It's Gala Night again, so Graeme will don his Hawaiian shirt (otherwise it'll be going home unworn!) and the manager will, once again, ask us to tell him about any problems.

Now that brings me to the latest on our jacuzzi/window blinds problems.

On Sunday the men left, having got a second of the six jets working and having told me that the window blind was 'kaputt'!  They said someone would call the next day.  Nobody did.

Suddenly this morning there are two men at the door brandishing pieces of plastic and a sealant gun.  It seems that the the plastic outer piece on the jacuzzi jet had disappeared the other day because they had come in when we were out and had removed it.  They now glued that on and told us not to use the jacuzzi for 90 minutes. Have they go the other jets to work? Don't know till I go into the pool.

And what about the window, I hear you ask?  Well, it seems that 'kaputt', as well as being German for 'it's had it' also means 'Schluss' in German or 'finito' in Italian or 'forget it, mate' in English!

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